Monday, October 12, 2009

To Believe or Not to Believe - Ghost Gab Week, Day 1

Ghosts are considered the disembodied spirits of dead people. According to a poll run by the General Social Survey in 1996, 82% of Americans believe in life after death. However, only about a third of Americans believe in ghosts.

Are ghosts real? What do you believe? Copy the questions below into the “Comment” box (click on the “Comment” link at the bottom of this article) and submit your answers anonymously. Please forward this to as many people as possible. Results will be calculated later this month.

Do you believe in life after death?
Do you think ghosts might exist?
Do you believe that ghosts do exist?
Have you had an unexplainable encounter with what may have been a ghost?

Source: 1936 photo taken by Captain Provand and Indre Shira at Raynham Hall in Norfolk, England.


  1. Do you believe in life after death? Yes
    Do you think ghosts might exist? Yes
    Do you believe that ghosts do exist? Yes
    Have you had an unexplainable encounter with what may have been a ghost? Yes

  2. Do you believe in life after death? Yes
    Do you think ghosts might exist? Yes
    Do you believe that ghosts do exist? Yes
    Have you had an unexplainable encounter with what may have been a ghost? Yes

  3. Do you believe in life after death? yes
    Do you think ghosts might exist? yes
    Do you believe that ghosts do exist? yes
    Have you had an unexplainable encounter with what may have been a ghost? yes

  4. Do you believe in life after death? Yes
    Do you think ghosts might exist? Yes
    Do you believe that ghosts do exist? Yes
    Have you had an unexplainable encounter with what may have been a ghost? Yes

  5. Do you believe in life after death? Yes
    Do you think ghosts might exist? Yes
    Do you believe that ghosts do exist? Absolutely
    Have you had an unexplainable encounter with what may have been a ghost? Yes

  6. Do you believe in life after death? Yes
    Do you think ghosts might exist? No
    Do you believe that ghosts do exist? No
    Have you had an unexplainable encounter with what may have been a ghost? No

  7. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh man

  8. Do you believe in life after death? Maybe
    Do you think ghosts might exist? Yes
    Do you believe that ghosts do exist? No
    Have you had an unexplainable encounter with what may have been a ghost? No

  9. Do you believe in life after death? yes
    Do you think ghosts might exist? yes
    Do you believe that ghosts do exist? yes
    Have you had an unexplainable encounter with what may have been a ghost? yes

    Explain how my furniture can move against my bed when I wake up, if everybody is asleep. And explain how a little girl can be on my brothers swing if we have no neibors. and Explain why I hear a churchquire when taking a shower. And explain why doors open and close if everybody is outside. Explain how a bear growling and pounding on the side of the house, if there is no bear.
