‘Happiness,’ ‘nature,’ ‘organic,’ and ‘health’ pop into mind.
After studying and working in marketing for almost a decade and a half, I’ve grown fairly jaded to brand messaging. Whether it’s coming from a noteworthy manufacturer or Washington’s political spin masters, successful marketing boils down to the people who can craft the most convincing message and sell it.
As a mom, I’m wary of the ads shoved down our kids’ throats in between cartoons, at the store, and even at school. If anyone is marketing anything to my kids, it should be me. Then again, when you have stubborn children, no amount of positive messaging will sway them.
Honey Sunshine.
Two words spoken in an excited and energetic tone were all it took to get my four-year-old to try a healthy breakfast cereal. He knows honey is sweet and sunshine makes him happy. I didn’t have to explain what the food was, how it would benefit him, or why he couldn’t have cookies for breakfast instead. He even ended up asking for two extra bowlfuls of an adult cereal made from organic whole grains.
Honey Sunshine™ was able to do something I’ve been fighting four years to accomplish. They got my picky kid to eat without a fight.
Thanks, Kashi, for your brilliant marketing tactic. You just won yourself a repeat customer.