The concept of a battle between good and evil

5) Vengeful Fallen Angel or Misunderstood Soul?
There are three basic schools of thought. The first believes that demons are supernatural beings—cast away angels, beasts, or otherwise—that attack humans for their own pleasure or to test humans at God’s command. Think of the biblical stories of Jonah, Job, and even Jesus’ temptation in the desert. Another belief asserts that demons are nothing more than bad ghosts (human or animal); just as there are good and bad people, so too can there be spirits with good and bad intentions once they’ve crossed over. The third takes a scientific approach and believes unless you can prove their existence with scientific methodology demons do not exist and are nothing more than a figment of overactive imaginations.
4) The Demon Census
The idea of demons is not modern or specific to a certain region of the world with an uneducated populace. These characters can be traced back over thousands of years through the mythologies and religions of Mesopotamia, Arabia, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, et al. Just how many demons there are depends on who you ask.
* Judaism (Talmud) – 7,405,926 demons
* Christianity (according to Bishop of Tusculum [13th century] & Alphonso de Spina [15th century]) – 133,306,668
3) Everyone Knows Demons Aren’t Real, Don’t They?
According to a survey of 36,000 Americans by Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life released in 2008, most Americans believe in angels and demons, 80% believe in miracles, and 92% believe in God or universal spirit. Demons are mentioned throughout the Old and New Testaments so it’s no wonder there’s a prevalent belief of the existence of good and evil entities among God-fearing people.
No, there’s no Demon U handing out diplomas. However, there are a growing number of people interested in this field. As ghost hunters are popping up worldwide, there’s been a resurgence in the belief of demons as separate entities from ghosts—and dangerous ones at that. Book smarts won’t get you too far here. A lot of it depends on experience and knowing how to protect yourself from the evil lurking in the shadows. Skeptics and anyone who thinks they have the guts to take on demons should read this article from The Atlantic Paranormal Society.
It depends on who you ask. Skeptics say that it’s psychological. Victims insist that they’re experiences are real. Those who’ve been victimized by otherworldly entities know that demons are more than just ghostly apparitions. They taunt you mentally, abuse you spiritually, and cause physical harm. Don’t believe me or the ghost hunters on TV? That’s ok, why don’t you ask Bishop James Long, a theologian and exorcist who participated in a lockdown with the Ghost Adventures crew in Bobby Mackey’s in Wilder, Kentucky—one of the U.S.’s most haunted locations. Click here to view footage from his experience. (fast forward to about 2:45)