Sunday, September 30, 2012

It All Started When...

It started with a desire to read another paranormal romance that sucked me into its world. I had just devoured the entire “Twilight” series in the span of one week and was craving more. I searched online and through some bookstores, but nothing appealed to me. Then a light bulb went off.
If I couldn’t find a book, why not write one?
It could be whatever I wanted. I could blend genres and themes that I had always found fascinating. I wasn’t writing for critical acclaim, so I could bend publishing rules and make this a story that sparked my imagination and combined elements that I could explore in one story instead of ten different types of books. The rusty wheels of creativity started to turn. My story had to have romance, history, philosophy, mythology, religion, occult, travel, and of course a paranormal twist. Better yet, it needed to be a story that transcended time both in theme and relationships.
I sat down at my laptop over the last weekend in September 2008 and started to write, not really ever having a plan or hope of finishing a novel, even though that had been a lifelong aspiration. Writing this story was just a cathartic outlet to deal with some personal stresses. My fingers started to type and the words flowed seamlessly. The characters, locations, and plot seemed to write themselves. After typing without interruption for three hours, I remember thinking, “Wow, that was easy!” Muses and inspiration collided and in seven days I finished writing the first seven chapters. I reread them and thought—wouldn’t it be a great accomplishment if I could actually finish writing a novel? Three months later, the story was complete at over 800 pages. With some editing, this monster turned into books #1 and #2.

Like the pride and joy one feels when holding their newborn in their arms for the first time, words cannot express the countless emotions pulsing through me as I held my dream come true this past February when the first novel, "Eternity," was finally published.
Eternity” might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but it’s mine and from the great feedback I’ve received from its fans to-date, the story transports you into its world of normal life—pains of death, falling in love, making friends, testing convictions, and learning to trust, which clash with the extraordinary—the unseen yet very much alive, magic, fantasy, nature’s power, and the world of gods, goddesses, vampires, werewolves, and an ancient favorite, witches.
It’s hard to believe that my adventure with “Eternity” began four years ago, but as I am currently working on the fourth novel, the story continues to evolve with new twists and turns that are sure to keep you on the edge of your seat.
Thank you to everyone who supported “Eternity” along the way—my Muses, Jeff, Joey, Maria, Amy, Sue, Kathleen, Deb, and Wendy.
Many thanks to all of my readers for joining me on this adventure—as a writer, your feedback and encouragement is appreciated more than you could ever know.
To those who are getting ready to enter the world of “Eternity”—welcome to Angel’s world!
Purchase “Eternity” on Amazon: