With no strings attached, life is his oyster.
A father is a figurehead,
A person who gave you life and kept you fed.
His presence, whether permanent or fleeting,
Often feels no warmer than a stranger’s greeting.
Cops and robbers, catch, and tea party he’ll play.
He lends an ear or two whenever you need it;
There’s always a spot on his shoulder for tears when you’re defeated.
Daddies are strong, strict, and they’ll tell you whose boss,
But they’re great big teddy bears, who won’t let you get lost.
As the years go by and childhood fades,
He’ll forget you’re an adult and long for easier days,
Times filled with laughter, silliness, and singing
Instead of cars, proms, college, and weddings.
He’s tough as a nail, soft as marshmallow,
But you can always count on him for he’s never hollow.
Men, understand this reality—
A new generation lies in your hands of responsibility.
You’re so much more than a father ever can be
When you grow from a man and become a daddy.
Happy “Daddy’s” Day!
To my Apuka ~ You showed me what it meant to work hard, have fun, and love with all of my heart unconditionally. I hope one day my kids will learn the same from me. Most es mindig, sok szeretettel gondolok rad. Puszi, A.
To my man ~ Thank you for trying your hardest to be the best daddy every day. Parenting is by far the toughest challenge we’ve faced together, but it’s also the most rewarding. I love you!
Another Hallmark winner! This fits my dad to a "T"!