Typically the bottom line refers to a company’s overall profitability. Whether or not Holy Name’s ‘Save the Money, Save the Name’ debate continues to aim at impacting the Allentown Diocese’s bottom line, as individual Catholics we each have a bottom line to answer to that transcends the in-fighting developing on either side of Reading, PA’s Schuylkill River.
What would Jesus do?
It seems that Christians are fond of throwing this catch phrase around when the answer is clear and on their side. Murder is bad. Larceny is bad. Abuse is bad. Jesus would never approve of these things, so it’s easy for us to also agree because these are obvious crimes against others not to mention punishable by law.
But what about the HN argument against becoming Berks Catholic? WWJD?
Forget the issue about money. Forget the need for new uniforms and signage. Forget about the donors who don’t want to tithe or support Berks Catholic. Forget about badmouthing HN supporters. Forget about blaming the diocese for making this decision, poor execution and communication of it.
God is our ultimate judge. When our judgment day arrives and we’re standing in front of the pearly gates, is God going to care that we preserved Holy Name’s moniker to save a few thousand dollars? Or will we be judged on making sacrifices for the continuation of Catholic education, teaching children that compromise is painful at times but survivable, and, most importantly, to love, support and understand one another? God is neither a HN or CCHS fan (shocking, I know); He is a fan of humanity.
WWJD? What would you do?
(Update: Last Thursday members of both CCHS and HN student governments met at HN. I’m proud of both groups for setting aside their differences and fears in an effort to create unity and peace as both schools merge and move forward as Berks Catholic. For the full story, check out the Reading Eagle online.)
What would Jesus do?
It seems that Christians are fond of throwing this catch phrase around when the answer is clear and on their side. Murder is bad. Larceny is bad. Abuse is bad. Jesus would never approve of these things, so it’s easy for us to also agree because these are obvious crimes against others not to mention punishable by law.
But what about the HN argument against becoming Berks Catholic? WWJD?
Forget the issue about money. Forget the need for new uniforms and signage. Forget about the donors who don’t want to tithe or support Berks Catholic. Forget about badmouthing HN supporters. Forget about blaming the diocese for making this decision, poor execution and communication of it.
God is our ultimate judge. When our judgment day arrives and we’re standing in front of the pearly gates, is God going to care that we preserved Holy Name’s moniker to save a few thousand dollars? Or will we be judged on making sacrifices for the continuation of Catholic education, teaching children that compromise is painful at times but survivable, and, most importantly, to love, support and understand one another? God is neither a HN or CCHS fan (shocking, I know); He is a fan of humanity.

WWJD? What would you do?
(Update: Last Thursday members of both CCHS and HN student governments met at HN. I’m proud of both groups for setting aside their differences and fears in an effort to create unity and peace as both schools merge and move forward as Berks Catholic. For the full story, check out the Reading Eagle online.)