Friday, March 11, 2011

Hope in Tragedy

I'll keep today's post brief. My heart aches for the individuals and families in Japan and around the Pacific who were affected by the tsunami--so much destruction, so much devastation. May they get the help they need and may they see light through the darkness enveloping their world right now.

I'm a firm believer in the notion that everything happens for a reason. The good and bad in life deepen our understanding of existence and offer us important opportunities to grow intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. A friend forwarded the link below and I wanted to share it in case others might find solace in it. "Everything Happens for a Reason."

Finding hope amid tragedy is like looking for a needle in a haystack. It's virtually impossible unless we remain determined and motivated by even the slightest iota of a positive outlook. Sharing hope through one's words or actions--no matter how big or small--is contagious. May we each find the "good" in every day and when we're lost in our own tragedies, may we be blessed with an angel or a friend who can be our beacon.

By: Me (Andrea Kohalmi) - Rainbow over Kuhio Beach / Waikiki, O'ahu, HI (November 2010). The tsunami washed onto this beach early this morning. Thankfully, no one was injured here. Natural catastrophes like this serve as a reminder of what's important. Democrats, Republicans, men, women, rich, poor--none of this matters on days like today. We're all human. We're all equal. Life is precious.

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